I Miss Sculpting
Haven’t had to do much of it lately. That’s the deal with trying to keep my projects to a manageable number. Some kinds of art that I love just fall by the wayside. Frankly, I just have too many ideas. I will get to sculpt more soon, im sure. I think after I get a couple of issues of Megalomania out there I will have time to revisit some other stuff. I have so many projects I want to be doing but I know I shouldn’t be right now. Purely because I’ll overload like a cheap power strip.
I have a sculpture of Tucker that I was making out of clay, arguably the only one I could work on while still technically remaining on task. I would still like to finish it, even though his appearance has changed slightly since I started that one so it’s gonna feel a bit off. Keepin’ myself honest though, so it has just been staring at me from my desk, half-finished hand sitting at its feet. I also had some fake wounds and stuff for cosplay that are already sculpted, but need to be made into molds. I would love to see how those turn out.
I also have a wire kinetic sculpture that I want to build. (No, long-time viewers, not another ball machine... yet.) It’s a “serious” sculpture that, in my dreams, would be about 8 feet tall, made of brass and run on wave power at the coast. That would be a whole new adventure but, for starters, I want to make it about a foot tall out of wire as a proof of concept. The mechanics are interesting, and it might even be mixed media because I may use rope, or twine at a small scale, for part of the sculpture. It’s about creativity and the collective consciousness.
But wait, there’s more! Beyond sculpture I have ideas for a children’s building toy system, a portable live-streaming rig, my chatbot/personal assistant, a smoking accessory, and a whole slew of other shit I cant even remember right now. It’s tough to keep track. Not to mention 3 or 4 other stories that I would like to get out there in some form or another. One about a war between heaven and hell, one about an alien invasion, another covering a socio-political apocalypse and even a sequel to Megalomania. I have more ideas than skin cells, so it can get kind of maddening. Im happy to have picked a few to run with, but it also saddens me to let those others die on the vine, so I will revisit them all when the time is right.
Those are just the big ones, but I have more stories pop into my head every day, so maybe some will just show up here as a short story, but maybe on a separate blog feed or under a specific tag for easy location. That could be fun.
Thanks for reading! I’ll see you in the next one.